
  • Pavlo Smoliak Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка, Україна

Ключові слова:

священики, аматорське театральне мистецтво, культурно-просвітницька робота, національні інтереси, товариство “Просвіта”, актор, вистава


У статті розглянуто роль священиків у розвитку та функціонуванні аматорських театральних гуртків у селах Тернопільського повіту в кінці ХІХ – першій третині ХХ століття. Звернено увагу на їхній життєвий та душпастирський шлях, мистецькі уподобання та організаторські здібності. Показано репертуар, роботу керівників-постановників й акторський склад театральних колективів. Висвітлено також соціально-політичне становище населення у цей період та його вплив на культурно-мистецьке життя краю.

Біографія автора

Pavlo Smoliak, Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка

кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри театрального мистецтва


Bonkovska, O. (2009), Theatrical process of Western Ukraine in 1918–1939 years, Istoriia ukrainskoho teatru: U 3 t. [The history of Ukrainian theater: In 3 vol.], Vol. 2: 1900–1945, ed. board I. Judkin, O. Shevchuk at al., National Academy of Science of Ukraine, M. Rylskyі Institute of Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology, pp. 533–582. (in Ukrainian).

Holovyn, B. (2000). Served Mother of Ukraine, Muchenyky ta ispovidnyky Ukrainskoi tserkvy XX stolittia. Narysy. Statti. Doslidzhennia [Martyrs and Confessors of the Ukrainian Church of the 20th Century. Sketches Articles. Research], Ternopil, Prosvita. (in Ukrainian).

Hrab, Uliana (2010). Isidor Glinsky (February 16, 1860, village Cherniliv-Russkii Ternopil county Ternopil vicinity (now Ternopil district of the Ternopil region) – April 20, 1931, village Butsniv Ternopil county Ternopil voivodship (now Ternopil district of the Ternopil region), Visnyk Naukovoho tovarystva imeni Shevchenka [Bulletin of the Shevchenko Scientific Society], Autumn–Winter 2010, Numeric 44, pp. 49–54. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Ternopilskoi oblasti [State archive of Ternopil region], fund 294. Ukrainian association “Prosvita” in the city of Ternopil, des. 1, case 20. Statute, reports, forms, protocols of the general meeting reading room “Prosvita” in the Ostriv village (June 10, 1901 – February 8, 1939), 88 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Ternopilskoi oblasti [State archive of Ternopil region], fund 3, Ternopil county eldership, des. 1, case 156. Statements of Ukrainian societies reading “Prosvita” and permission of the county eldership for conducting paid amateur performances, Vol. I in 1932, 160 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Ternopilskoi oblasti [State archive of Ternopil region], fund 3. Ternopil county eldership, des. 1, case 254. Statements by leaders of Ukrainian companies and permits of county eldership to conduct performances, evenings and fees (2 January 1933 – 27 December 1933), 67 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Ternopilskoi oblasti [State archive of Ternopil region], fund 3. Ternopil county eldership, des. 1, case 1253. The statute and periodical information of the county eldership and readers of the Ukrainian society “Prosvita” about changes in the composition of the leaders in the village. Ternopil county of 1933–1938, 28 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Ternopilskoi oblasti [State archive of Ternopil region], fund 294. Ukrainian association “Prosvita” in the city of Ternopil, des. 1, case 1. Documents (protocols of the general meeting of the readers, reports) on the activity of the reading room “Prosvita” in Petrykiv village (1901–1939 years), 45 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Ternopilskoi oblasti [State archive of Ternopil region], fund 294. Ukrainian association “Prosvita” in the city of Ternopil, des. 1, case 2. Documents (protocols of the general meeting of the readers, reports) on the activity of the reading room “Prosvita” in Butsniv village (1902–1939 years), 73 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Ternopilskoi oblasti [State archive of Ternopil region], fund 3. Ternopil county eldership, des. 3, case 478. Statements heads of reading room “Prosvita”, “Native School” in the villages Berezovytsya, Smykivtsi, Ostriv and others and bans of county eldership on holding evening performances since December 13, 1930 to May 27, 1931, 53 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Ternopilskoi oblasti [State archive of Ternopil region], fund 294. Ukrainian association “Prosvita” in the city of Ternopil, des. 1, case 7. Documents (protocols of the general meeting of the readers, reports) on the activity of the reading room “Prosvita” in Bila village (1904–1938 years), 64 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Ternopilskoi oblasti [State archive of Ternopil region], fund 294. Ukrainian association “Prosvita” in the city of Ternopil, des. 1, case 173, Reports on the leadership and reading activities of Prosvita in villages Vel. Byrky, Baykivtsi, Bavoriv, ... Butsnevo ... for 1938 year, 108 p. (in Ukrainian).

Kazymyrov, O. (1965). Ukrainskyi amatorskyi teatr: dozhovtnevyi period [Ukrainian amateur theater: the pre-october period], Kyiv, Mystetstvo. (in Ukrainian).

Krupa, L. L. (2007). “The influence of mytropolyt Andrey Sheptytsky on public and cultural life in Galicia at the end of the 19th – the first half of the 20th century”, Thesis abstract for Cand. Sc. (History of Ukraine), 07.00.01, Yu. Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, 20 p. (in Ukrainian).

Lisevych, M. and Rakush, S. (1983). Ostriv, Shliakhamy Zolotoho Podillia. Ternopilshchyna i Skalatshchyna. Rehionalnyi istorychno-memuarnyi zbirnyk [Ways of Golden Podillya. Ternopil and Skalat region. Regional historical and memoir collection / [ed. board R. Mykolayevych, P. Hayda and M. Kinasevych]], Vol. III, Ternopil regional associations, New York–Paris–Sydney–Toronto, Philadelphia, pp. 425–429. (in Ukrainian).

Loza, Yulian and Vovk, Yurii (2008). Nash Petrykiv: do 550-richchia [Our Petrykiv: up to 550-th anniversary], Ternopil, Terno-hraf. (in Ukrainian).

Loza, Yulian (2002). Korotka istoriia sela Petrykiv [Brief history of Petrykiv village], Ternopil, Polihrafist. (in Ukrainian).

Nazarkevych-Dzhygalo, Ye. (1983). Butsniv, Shliakhamy Zolotoho Podillia. Ternopilshchyna i Skalatshchyna. Rehionalnyi istorychno-memuarnyi zbirnyk [Ways of Golden Podillya. Ternopil and Skalat region. Regional historical and memoir collection / [ed. board R. Mykolayevych, P. Hayda and M. Kinasevych]], Vol. III, Ternopil regional associations, New York–Paris–Sydney–Toronto, Philadelphia, pp. 345–347. (in Ukrainian).

Novosiadlyi, B. T. (2006). Buntsiv. Ekskurs u mynule na khvyliakh liubovi. Istoryko-kraieznavchyi narys [Butsniv. An excursion into the past on the waves of love. Historical and ethnographic essay], Ternopil, Dzhura. (in Ukrainian).

Novosiadlyi Bohdan, Novosiadla, Natalia (2006). The ballad about the endless family and the legendary feat of watchman, Zbirnyk prats. T. 2. Natsionalno-vyzvolni zmahannia ukrainskoho narodu u XX stolitti [Collection of works. Vol. 2. National liberation struggles of the Ukrainian people in the XX century], Ternopil city center of the Shevchenko Scientific Society; [ed. board: M. Andreichin, D. Buchko, G. Vozniak, and others], Ternopil, Merkiuri-Ternopil, pp. 219–237. (in Ukrainian).

Palubiak, B. (2007). Biletskii “Prosviti” – 120 zvytiazhnykh vesen. Istoryko-publitsystychnoho kharakteru [Bila village “Prosvita” – 120 winning springs. Historical and journalistic character], Ternopil, Dzhura. (in Ukrainian).

Pyndus, Bohdan (2018). Nastasiv i nastasivchany. Istoryko-kraieznavchyi narys [Nastasiv and Nastasiv inhabitants. Historical and ethnographic essay], Ternopil, Dzhura. (in Ukrainian).

Pylypchuk, R. (1966). Ukrainian amateur theater in Transcarpathia, Narodna tvorchist ta etnohrafiia [Folk art and ethnography], no 1, pp. 18–27. (in Ukrainian).

Serhiichuk, V. (2001). Neskorena Tserkva. Podvyzhnytstvo hreko-katolykiv Ukrainy v borotbi za viru i derzhavu [Uncorrupted Church. The asceticism of the Greek Catholics of Ukraine in the struggle for faith and the state], Kyiv, Dnipro. (in Ukrainian).

Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Lviv [Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine, city of Lviv], fund 348, Society “Prosvita”, city of Lviv, des. 1, case 1396, Reports, protocols and correspondence about the activity of the reading room “Prosvita” in Butsniv village (1925–1938 years), 27 p. (in Ukrainian).

Shcherbiak, Yu. A. (2009). “The educational doctrine of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and its implementation in Ukraine (mid-nineteenth and twentieth centuries)”, The dissertation of the Doctor of pedagogical sciences. Specials 13.00.01. “General pedagogy and history of pedagogy”, G. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, 510 p. (in Ukrainian).

Geni. About Reverend Wasyl Stepanovych Hluchowecky, available at: https://www.geni.com/people/Wasyl-Hluchowecky/5113985339060114815 (access date August 22, 2018). (in English).


