
  • Ninel Sizova Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені М. Коцюбинського, Україна

Ключові слова:

хорова культура Вінниччини, товариство імені Леонтовича, хоровий спів, диригент


У статті розглянуто специфіку діяльності хорових колективів, які існували при музичному товаристві ім. Леонтовича на Вінниччині. Досліджено творчу діяльність хорів, виступи колективів, їх репертуар. Проаналізовано роботу керівників хорів упродовж існування колективів до 1937 року. Виявлена особливість роботи, умови й наслідки впливу радянської ідеології на творчість хорових колективів, які діяли при філіях у Тульчині, Вінниці, Гайсині, Шпикові, Зятківцях, Дашеві, Сутисках.

Біографія автора

Ninel Sizova, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені М. Коцюбинського

викладач кафедри вокально-хорової підготовки, теорії та методики музичної освіти


Buhaieva, O. V. (2011). Arkhivna spadshchyna Muzychnoho tovarystva imeni M. D. Leontovycha. Monohrafiia [Archival heritage of the M. Leontovych Musical Society named. Monograph], Kyiv, V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, V. M. Danylenko (Ed.). (in Ukrainian).

V. M. (1925) Concert of the M. Leontovych Chapel. Chervonyi krai [The red land], March 4, p. 4. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Vinnytskoi oblasti (DAVO) [State Archive of Vinnytsia Region], fund R-254. Podillya Provincial Inspectorate of Public Education of the Podillya Provincial Executive Committee of the Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies Council, Vinnytsia, 1919–1925, des. 1, case 129. Minutes of meetings of the board of the sub-division of the arts of the gubpolitprosvet Report on the department of arts of Kamyanets political education. March 15, 1925 – April 28, 1925, 129 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Vinnytskoi oblasti (DAVO) [State Archive of Vinnytsia Region], fund R-254. Podillya Provincial Inspectorate of Public Education of the Podillya Provincial Executive Committee of the Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies Council, Vinnytsia, 1919–1925, des. 1, case 129. Minutes of meetings of the board of the sub-division of the arts of the gubpolitprosvet Report on the department of arts of Kamyanets political education, October 29, 1921 – January 17, 1922. – 46 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Vinnytskoi oblasti (DAVO) [State Archive of Vinnytsia Region], fund R-256. Vinnytsya District Inspectorate of Public Education of Vinnytsia District Executive Committee of the Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies Council, des. 1, case 706. Protocols of the meetings of the methodical center of the Vinnytsia district department of political science, polytechnic workers of the districts, information about the composition, quarterly plans, report on the work, questionnaires for the survey of district buildings and reading-houses, January 16, 1926 – December 23, 1927, 246 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Vinnytskoi oblasti (DAVO) [State Archive of Vinnytsia Region], fund R-6023. Collection of filtration, investigation and supervisory cases transferred to the SBU in Vinnytsia region, des. 4, case 6346. Criminal case of R. Skaletskyi, 44 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Vinnytskoi oblasti (DAVO) [State Archive of Vinnytsia Region], fund R-847. Tulchyn District Inspectorate of Public Education of Tulchyn District Executive Committee of the Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies Council. 1922–1930 des. 1, case 46. Tulchin district public education inspectorate (Inspection orders, correspondence with the People’s Commissariat of Education, district executive committees and other institutions on the organization of educational work in schools, staffing teachers and equipment schools; lists, statements and certificates of teachers) December 11, 1926 – July 27, 1927 year. 722 p. (in Ukrainian).

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Vinnytskoi oblasti (DAVO) [State Archive of Vinnytsia Region] fund R-847. Tulchyn District Inspectorate of Public Education of Tulchyn District Executive Committee of the Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies Council. 1922–1930 des. 1, case 83. Tulchyn environmental survey on June 15, 1928 – December 31, 1929. – 854 p. (in Ukrainian).

Instytut rukopysu Natsionalnoi biblioteky Ukrainy im. V. Vernadskoho (IR NBUV), [Institute of Manuscript of the V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine], fund 47, no. 8. Personnel of the Committee of Memory of M. Leontovich for 1921, 18 p. (in Ukrainian).

Instytut rukopysu Natsionalnoi biblioteky Ukrainy im. V. Vernadskoho (IR NBUV), [Institute of Manuscript of the V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine], fund 50. Application forms and applications for membership in the members of the Leontovych Musical Society. Vinnytsia branch. April 14 – April 15, 1925, no. 535. Documents on the establishment and activities of the Podillya branch of the Leontovych Music Association, – 96 p. (in Ukrainian).

Sviatelyk, V. A. (1990). Istoriia Tulchynskoi khorovoi kapely im. M. D. Leontovycha [History of the M. Leontovych Tulchyn Choir], Tulchyn, Raidruk. (in Ukrainian).

Pokrovskyi, M. D. (1982). From the pages of the past, Mykola Leontovych : Spohady. Lysty. Materialy [Mykola Leontovych : Memoirs. Letters. Materials], Kyiv, pp. 107–111. (in Ukrainian)

Semenko, L. I. (2007), “Ikh poiednala pisnia Leontovycha...” : narysy z istorii muz. zhyttia v Ukraini 1910–1930-kh rr. [They were joined by Leontovich’s song… essays on the history of musical life in Ukraine 1910–1930 years], Vinnytsia, Regional Linguistic Museum of Vinnytsia. (in Ukrainian).

Khronika (1932). Bilshovytska pravda [The Bolsheviks true], November 10. (in Ukrainian).

Khronika (1927). Muzyka [Music], no. 1, p. 72. (in Ukrainian).


