Музей історії українського хореографічного мистецтва як осередок кумуляції танцювального фольклору
https://doi.org/10.25128/2411-3271.19.2.7Ключові слова:
музей історії; хореографічне мистецтво України; танцювальний фольклор; хореографічний колектив; народний танецьАнотація
У статті досліджено експозиції єдиного в Україні музею історії українського хореографічного мистецтва, що діє на Хуторі Надії на Кіровоградщині. Охарактеризовано фондове наповнення музею та його значення у процесі розвитку українського народного танцю. Окреслено історичні й культурологічні віхи його створення та діяльності. Висвітлено культурно-мистецькі події провідних митців хореографічного мистецтва, творчу ретроспективу знакових колективів, які примножують та розвивають надбання танцювальної культури України.
Anatoliy Korotkov is a person who created himself: [interview]. The electronic newspaper «Persha». URL: https://persha.kr.ua/news/43638-anatolij-korotkov-lyudina-yaka-sama-sebestvorila/ (access date 20. 09. 2019).
Borymska, H. V. (1974) Samotsvity ukrainskoho tantsiu [Gems y of Ukrainian Dance], Kyiv: Mystetstvo. (in Ukrainian).
Vasylenko, К. Y. (1981). Ukrainskyi narodnyi tanets [Ukrainian folk dance], Moscow: Iskusstvo. (in Russian).
Verkhovynets, V. (1990). Teoriia ukrainskoho narodnoho tantsiu [Theory of Ukrainian folk dance], Kyiv: Muzychna Ukraina. (in Ukrainian).
Harasymchuk, R. (2008). Narodni tantsi ukraintsiv Karpat [Folk dances of Ukrainian Carpathians], Book 1, Lviv. (in Ukrainian).
Harasymchuk, R. (2008). Narodni tantsi ukraintsiv Karpat [Folk dances of Ukrainian Carpathians], Book 2, Lviv. (in Ukrainian).
Humeniuk, А. and Virskyi, P. (1969). Ukrainski narodni tantsi [Ukrainian Folk Dances], Kyiv: Naukova dumka. (in Ukrainian).
Demkiv, D. (2002). Problems and development of Ukrainian folk choreography, Collection of scientific papers of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “State of folk choreography in Ukraine and prospects for its development”, Kyiv, February 28, 2002, pp. 42–43. (in Ukrainian).
Kokulenko, B. G. (2010). “Implementation of folk traditions and rituals in modern Ukrainian folk choreography of Kirovograd region”, Thesis abstract for Cand. Sc. : 26.00.01. Kyiv, 20 p. (in Ukrainian).
Kryvokhyzha, A. M. (2016). Analizuiuchy prozhyte [Analyzing the lived], Kirovograd: Tsentralno-Ukrainske vyd-vo. (in Ukrainian).
Kryvokhyzha, A. M. (2015). Dumky. Porady. Pobazhannia. [Thoughts. Advices. Wish.], Kirovograd: Tsentralno-Ukrainske vyd-vo. (in Ukrainian).
Kryvokhyzha, A. M. (2012). Rozdumy pro mystetstvo tantsiu [Reflections on the art of dance], Kirovograd: Tsentralno-Ukrainske vyd-vo. (in Ukrainian).
Lehka, S. A. (2003). “Ukrainian folk choreographic culture of XX century”, Thesis abstract for Cand. Sc. : 17.00.01. Kyiv, 20 p. (in Ukrainian).
Ostrovska, K. V. (2016) Anatoliy Kryvokhyzha is the guardian of choreographic traditions of Ukraine, Kultura Ukrainy. Seriia: Mystetstvoznavstvo [Culture of Ukraine. Series: Art Studies], vol. 53, Kharkiv, pp. 220–230 (in
The first in Ukraine and the only museum in the world of the history of Ukrainian choreographic art. The official site of the Kirovograd Regional Museum. URL: http://kokm.kr.ua/index.php?option=com_content& view=article &id=50&Itemid=162&lang=ua (access date 20. 09. 2019).
Plenary Session of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Strategies for the Development of Choreographic Education”, April 19, 2019, Uman. URL: https://youtu.be/5eFF3cqadck (access date 18. 09. 2019).
Presentation of the exhibition “In the world of dance”. The official site of the Kirovograd Museum of Local History. URL: http://kokm.kr.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=604:prezentatsiya-vistavki-u-svititantsyu&catid=42&Itemid=115&lang=ua (access date 20. 09. 2019).
Anatoliy Korotkov is a person who created himself: [interview]. The electronic newspaper «Persha». URL: https://persha.kr.ua/news/43638-anatolij-korotkov-lyudina-yaka-sama-sebestvorila/ (access date 20. 09. 2019).
Borymska, H. V. (1974) Samotsvity ukrainskoho tantsiu [Gems y of Ukrainian Dance], Kyiv: Mystetstvo. (in Ukrainian).
Vasylenko, К. Y. (1981). Ukrainskyi narodnyi tanets [Ukrainian folk dance], Moscow: Iskusstvo. (in Russian).
Verkhovynets, V. (1990). Teoriia ukrainskoho narodnoho tantsiu [Theory of Ukrainian folk dance], Kyiv: Muzychna Ukraina. (in Ukrainian).
Harasymchuk, R. (2008). Narodni tantsi ukraintsiv Karpat [Folk dances of Ukrainian Carpathians], Book 1, Lviv. (in Ukrainian).
Harasymchuk, R. (2008). Narodni tantsi ukraintsiv Karpat [Folk dances of Ukrainian Carpathians], Book 2, Lviv. (in Ukrainian).
Humeniuk, А. and Virskyi, P. (1969). Ukrainski narodni tantsi [Ukrainian Folk Dances], Kyiv: Naukova dumka. (in Ukrainian).
Demkiv, D. (2002). Problems and development of Ukrainian folk choreography, Collection of scientific papers of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “State of folk choreography in Ukraine and prospects for its development”, Kyiv, February 28, 2002, pp. 42–43. (in Ukrainian).
Kokulenko, B. G. (2010). “Implementation of folk traditions and rituals in modern Ukrainian folk choreography of Kirovograd region”, Thesis abstract for Cand. Sc. : 26.00.01. Kyiv, 20 p. (in Ukrainian).
Kryvokhyzha, A. M. (2016). Analizuiuchy prozhyte [Analyzing the lived], Kirovograd: Tsentralno-Ukrainske vyd-vo. (in Ukrainian).
Kryvokhyzha, A. M. (2015). Dumky. Porady. Pobazhannia. [Thoughts. Advices. Wish.], Kirovograd: Tsentralno-Ukrainske vyd-vo. (in Ukrainian).
Kryvokhyzha, A. M. (2012). Rozdumy pro mystetstvo tantsiu [Reflections on the art of dance], Kirovograd: Tsentralno-Ukrainske vyd-vo. (in Ukrainian).
Lehka, S. A. (2003). “Ukrainian folk choreographic culture of XX century”, Thesis abstract for Cand. Sc. : 17.00.01. Kyiv, 20 p. (in Ukrainian).
Ostrovska, K. V. (2016) Anatoliy Kryvokhyzha is the guardian of choreographic traditions of Ukraine, Kultura Ukrainy. Seriia: Mystetstvoznavstvo [Culture of Ukraine. Series: Art Studies], vol. 53, Kharkiv, pp. 220–230 (in
The first in Ukraine and the only museum in the world of the history of Ukrainian choreographic art. The official site of the Kirovograd Regional Museum. URL: http://kokm.kr.ua/index.php?option=com_content& view=article &id=50&Itemid=162&lang=ua (access date 20. 09. 2019).
Plenary Session of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Strategies for the Development of Choreographic Education”, April 19, 2019, Uman. URL: https://youtu.be/5eFF3cqadck (access date 18. 09. 2019).
Presentation of the exhibition “In the world of dance”. The official site of the Kirovograd Museum of Local History. URL: http://kokm.kr.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=604:prezentatsiya-vistavki-u-svititantsyu&catid=42&Itemid=115&lang=ua (access date 20. 09. 2019).